New York Stories: Career Options, Opportunities and Challenges in International Arbitration (Afternoon Session 1)
Wednesday, November 17
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Sponsor – Arbitral Women
Afternoon Sessions:
ArbitralWomen will hold two afternoon networking sessions, anchored to the themes presented in the morning panel.
You may sign up for more than one networking session. To ensure optimal allocation to breakout rooms for networking, we ask that you commit to attend. To promote free discussion, the Chatham House Rule will apply to all networking sessions (i.e., participants are free to share information or views that are discussed during the session, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speakers or of any other participant may be revealed).
As a testament to the exceptional opportunities New York has to offer, Arbitral Women will present a morning panel discussion among members of the international arbitration field who will share stories about their own professional changes and comment on career transitions they have observed in the field, illustrating the resiliency and perseverance of the members of our international arbitration community.
- Gaëlle Filhol; Partner, Betto Perben Pradel Filhol; Paris, France
- Mandy Lee; Independent Arbitrator & Director, ArbitralWomen; London, UK
- Yasmine Lahlou; Partner, Chaffetz Lindsey LLP & Board Member, ArbitralWomen; New York, NY, USA